Various plumbing issues can spring up inside the average household. Most of these issues can be quite easy to fix and do not require a plumber, however there can be some severe plumbing issues that will require emergency plumbers, like those at Sunshine Central Plumbing, especially if the problem occurs late at night. By doing the repairs yourself, you could potentially save up to a few hundred dollars. Below is a list of the most common plumbing problems, as well as how to fix them.

Slow Draining Sink

One of the most common plumbing problems is a slowly draining sink. This problem occurs because the pop-up used to stop small pieces of debris gets clogged with hair, pieces of food, and yes, even debris. In order to get the sink fully working again, the easiest option is to remove the pop-up installation and simply clean it out. The most common types of pop-ups are those held in place by a "nut" installation attached onto the drain, below the sink, and can be removed or unscrewed by using a pair of pliers. Once removed, clean it up and simply reinstall it. The issue should be fixed.

Slow Draining Tub

Another common plumbing problem, slow draining, also affects bath tubs. Luckily, this is an easy issue to fix most of the times. Generally, bath or shower tubs get clogged with hair, slowing down the drainage process. Even if the bath tub isn't draining slowly, it's recommended to perform the cleaning operation every now and then to avoid completely clogging the drain. Similar to the sink operation described above, you can remove the pop-up by hand. Once removed, reach in with a pair of pliers in order to completely rid the pipe of hair. Keep in mind that if your tub has a stopper, you will need to remove that before being able to access the clogged area.

Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure is mostly common at the sink faucet level. In order to assess the situation, the first thing to do is check if both cold and hot water is affected. If they're both affected, then there's a high chance it's because of the aerator. The aerator can become blocked by the calcium deposits that slowly build up inside the faucet. In order to remove it, you first have to unscrew it using your hand, since most aerators are hand tight. Once it's been removed, clean out the debris or the calcium deposits and simply put it back on.
